The Sales Mastermind 


(October 6th, 2020)

Sales tips for founders who sell, but are not “sales”people

Happy Tuesday!

Here is your One Video Interview, Two Expert Quotes and One Community Submission.

One Video Interview

Generate leads on Linkedin

This week, Justin Stephens takes us through a strategy to book meetings with decision makers who are hard to reach via Linkedin.

For context just before this recording Justin was talking about spending a week or two commenting/liking/sharing the target decision maker’s Linkedin posts.

Two Expert Quotes

I. Ben Friedman, a leading political economist

“Prospecting – Find the man with the problem.”

II. Jeb Blount, CEO at Sales Gravy and author of “Fanatical Prospecting”

“There is no easy button in sales. Prospecting is hard, emotionally draining work, and it is the price you have to pay to earn a high income.”

One Community Submission

Hemel Shah @

“Sales, as a founder, can be lonely and often daunting. Make sure you have a person you can bounce ideas off, hold you accountable, talk through strategies and let you vent when needed.”

Until next week,


Scott Cowley, The Sales Mastermind
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